Expand Direction Arrows PNG – Blue Gradient

PNG Info:
Image Dimension
1024 x 1024 Pixels
File Size
76.0 KB
Image Format
PNG (Portable Network Graphics)
Image Resolution
300 DPI
License ©
Free For Personal and Commercial Use
* Attribution Credit:
* Attribution isn’t mandatory, but credit is appreciated. Thank you!
PNG Description:
Featuring four blue arrows pointing in different directions, the Expand Direction Arrows PNG image represents expansion, movement, and direction. This high-quality PNG image with a transparent background is a great option for different digital design projects such as UI/UX interfaces, presentations, website designs, and infographics. The blue shades evolving from medium to light blue bring the impression of a modern look and thus add a touch of more attractiveness to the picture making it more fit for even more different projects.
The eye symbols developed in the closing arrows show growth, scalability, and openness. In the present day, they are not only seen in business graphics but also in field layouts venturing into ideas of growth, market expansion, or zoom functions in digital media. This PNG which is very attractive can be a perfect match to convey the message through visual communication. Whether you are working on a mobile app, website navigation or just a simple PowerPoint presentation slide, this high-grade PNG will directly let you come across the messages you want your audience to get.
Not to mention that the greatest added value of using this format is the transparency of the background, so you only have to drag the PNG to your project and your work is done, not a thing about background removal. It is ideal for putting over other images as a design element, blending into separate designs use it as an icon in user-friendly interfaces.
If you are involved in a technology-, navigation-, movement-, or interactive media-related project, this four-way arrow PNG is a visual element you cannot miss. The image can be used to create a set of icons for the purpose of directing or resizing maybe icons in the format of a simple informative graphic for a travel service. Download Expand Direction Arrows PNG for a visually appealing design work with a clean, modern, and professional touch.
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Multi-Language Title Translation

India | Hindi
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Indonesia | Bahasa
Not available

Russia | Russian
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Philippines | Filipino
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Nigeria | Hausa
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Mexico | Spanish
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Germany | German
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Brazil | Portuguese
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China | Mandarin Chinese
扩展方向箭头PNG - 蓝色渐变