Double Sided Right Angle Arrow – Red Icon

PNG Info:
Image Dimension
1024 x 1024 Pixels
File Size
21.0 KB
Image Format
PNG (Portable Network Graphics)
Image Resolution
300 DPI
License ©
Free For Personal and Commercial Use
* Attribution Credit:
* Attribution isn’t mandatory, but credit is appreciated. Thank you!
PNG Description:
The Double Sided Right Angle Arrow is a graphic element that is both creative and functional and can provide a lot of visual versatility for designers, content creators, and businesses. The arrow design in this example comes with two separate arrows that point in opposite directions. As a result, there is one arrowhead pointing upwards and another pointing to the right. Presented in deep red, the arrow immediately grabs attention, making it suitable for use in presentations, instructional materials, infographics, and website graphics. Red, which is often associated with urgency or importance, makes this arrow even more eye-catching and ensures that your audience pays attention to the directional message being communicated.
One great thing about the actual file is the 1024-pixel PNG format with its transparent background, which makes it extremely easy to incorporate into any design project. It doesn’t really matter whether the file is placed on a white document, a colorful poster, or a complex background, the arrow always matches without extra manipulation.
Such a multi-directional arrow is the best for drawing processes, which are accompanied by decision points for example, flow charts, maps, user journeys and business strategies. It can also visually enhance step-by-step tutorials, helping viewers understand when they have a choice between multiple actions.
It is a sleek, modern, and minimalistic design that can be customized to suit the event/theme whether it is a corporate presentation, educational content, or even playful creative projects. Red multi-directional arrow is an essential feature in designing for print, web or video, that way, it brings about the comprehension and visual appeal of your content.
In summary, not just an ordinary shape, the Double Sided Right Angle Arrow is more than that – it’s a strong communicator helping attract eyes, clarify the sides and actually make up the visual narrative. This is the most important part and designers searching for a directional arrow that is stable, flexible and bold will find this arrow to be a worthy addition to their graphic resources.
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Multi-Language Title Translation

India | Hindi
डबल साइडेड राइट एंगल एरो - रेड आइकन

Indonesia | Bahasa
Panah Sudut Kanan Dua Sisi - Ikon Merah

Russia | Russian
Двусторонняя прямая угловая стрелка - Красная иконка

Philippines | Filipino
Double Sided Right Angle Arrow - Pulang Icon

Nigeria | Hausa
Kibiyar Kwance Mai Gefe Biyu - Alamar Ja

Mexico | Spanish
Flecha de Ángulo Recto de Doble Cara - Ícono Rojo

Germany | German
Zweiseitiger rechter Winkelpfeil - Rotes Symbol

Brazil | Portuguese
Seta de Ângulo Reto de Duplo Lado - Ícone Vermelho

China | Mandarin Chinese
双向直角箭头 - 红色图标