Horizontal Double Line Arrow PNG Icon

Double Line Arrow PNG Icon

PNG Info:

Image Dimension

1024 x 1024 Pixels

File Size

38.0 KB

Image Format

PNG (Portable Network Graphics)

Image Resolution

300 DPI

License ©

Free For Personal and Commercial Use

* Attribution Credit:


* Attribution isn’t mandatory, but credit is appreciated. Thank you!

PNG Description:

This image represents a simple horizontal Double Line Arrow PNG Icon that can be used in a wide variety of design and communication projects. It is designed to have two equally spaced black lines. That is why it can be adaptable with its minimalism. It sounds easier than it seems because it can be versatile as a symbol - it can be a menu icon (often also known as a "three-line hamburger menu"), an outline object or a pause symbol in situations where a little creativity is being used.

The double line arrow png Icon file format provides transparency to this image and therefore it can be easily implemented in any design project without worrying about color clashes or out of place borders. Its clean cut allows it to become an important part of digital and print materials.

Professional workers such as graphic designers, web developers and content creators will find this symbol flexible. It is a really useful tool whether it is used in website layouts, app interfaces, instructional graphics or minimalist designs. With its balanced shape and neutral appearance, it fits equally well into professional presentations or creative art projects.

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Multi-Language Title Translation

India Flag Image

India | Hindi

क्षैतिज दोहरी रेखा पीएनजी आइकन

Indonesia Flag Image

Indonesia | Bahasa

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Russia Flag Image

Russia | Russian

Горизонтальная двойная линия PNG иконка

Philippines Flag Image

Philippines | Filipino

Pahalang na Double Line PNG Icon

Nigeria Flag Image

Nigeria | Hausa

Alamar PNG Layi Biyu a Tsaye

Mexico Flag Image

Mexico | Spanish

Icono PNG de Línea Doble Horizontal

Germany Flag Image

Germany | German

Horizontales Doppellinien-PNG-Symbol

Beazil Flag Image

Brazil | Portuguese

Ícone PNG de Linha Dupla Horizontal

China Flag Image

China | Mandarin Chinese
