Black Two Sided Arrow with Transparent Background

Black Two Sided Arrow

PNG Info:

Image Dimension

1024 x 1024 Pixels

File Size

16.0 KB

Image Format

PNG (Portable Network Graphics)

Image Resolution

300 DPI

License ©

Free For Personal and Commercial Use

* Attribution Credit:


* Attribution isn’t mandatory, but credit is appreciated. Thank you!

PNG Description:

This Two Sided Arrow PNG is a multipurpose and highly functional directional symbol, which can be used to jazz up a wide array of design projects. Featuring a horizontal arrow pointing both left and right, this two-way arrow serves as a clear indicator of bi-directional movement, choice, or navigation. It is commonly used in maps, user interfaces, instructional design, and presentations to show movement in opposite directions. This type of arrow is also ideal for representing comparison, balance, or two-way communication. This image comes in a 1024-pixel PNG format with a transparent background, making it easy to place it on any surface without worrying about white edges or background color clashing. Its clean, minimalist design ensures that it fits easily into both professional and creative projects. Whether you're creating website navigation elements, presentation slides, or infographics, this two-way arrow symbol helps convey your message quickly and effectively. Designers, educators, marketers, and developers can all benefit from this two sided arrow, as it can adapt to many themes and styles. Whether you need to indicate a process flow, represent opposite options, or guide users within an interface, this high-quality arrow icon provides a professional solution ready for use straight into a digital or print design task.

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India | Hindi

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Indonesia Flag Image

Indonesia | Bahasa

Panah Dua Arah Hitam dengan Latar Belakang Transparan

Russia Flag Image

Russia | Russian

Черная двусторонняя стрелка с прозрачным фоном

Philippines Flag Image

Philippines | Filipino

Itim na Dalawang Panig na Arrow na may Transparent Background

Nigeria Flag Image

Nigeria | Hausa

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Mexico | Spanish

Flecha Negra de Doble Cara con Fondo Transparente

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Germany | German

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Brazil | Portuguese

Seta Preta de Duas Pontas com Fundo Transparente

China Flag Image

China | Mandarin Chinese
